PBS, or Public Broadcasting Service, is a non-profit media organization. Dedicated to serving the public interest, PBS provides educational and culturally enriching content through television, digital platforms, and various educational services.
When an ex-coworker told me they had a contact at PBS that needed design support, I was excited to submit my portfolio! This collaboration with Tia Graham and the group at the Planned Giving turned into an awesome two years where we worked together to create a number of different creative solutions. All in the name of helping their audience understand the process of making a charitable gift as part of a donor's financial or estate planning through their local PBS station.
When an ex-coworker told me they had a contact at PBS that needed design support, I was excited to submit my portfolio! This collaboration with Tia Graham and the group at the Planned Giving turned into an awesome two years where we worked together to create a number of different creative solutions. All in the name of helping their audience understand the process of making a charitable gift as part of a donor's financial or estate planning through their local PBS station.
Interactive Digital Briefs
I was responsible for crafting a presentation that met three specific criteria: it had to exude energy, effectively convey core ideas, and serve as an introduction to the Planned Giving Capacity Building project. In response, I created an engaging interactive PDF and incorporated a series of illustrations, combining them with carefully chosen stock images. This approach not only facilitated a lively and intuitive document navigation but also aimed to spark enthusiasm among the national team for the Planned Giving initiative. To personalize the project further, I reached out to Planned Giving representatives for their headshots, integrating them seamlessly into the PBS network visual shown above.
Event Design
Developed a concept around gathering honey that pushed the idea of a team working together, much like honeybees do, to invite regional leaders to the local PBS offices to discuss new ways to fund raise.
Concept Proposal
Rebrand of the Journey to Planet Earth DVD Box Set